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Categoría: latin-chat-room review

‘I started dating after a bad marriage ended. It was triggering beyond belief.’

‘I started dating after a bad marriage ended. It was triggering beyond belief.’

I said I wouldn’t sign up to a dating app. I didn’t like the idea of being so disposable. That someone judges you based on your appearance and if you’re lucky, a short description of yourself. Then within a few seconds you can be swiped past, just like that. But this particular Sunday afternoon I was feeling brave. I felt like I was ready to open myself up to possibilities.

Watch: There are common mindsets women have towards dating when coming out of a toxic relationship or divorce. Post continues after video.

It took me hours to choose a good collection of pictures that portrayed different versions of me. Fun me, laidback me, everyday me. Then to write a cute little snapshot of who I was. 

‘Fun-loving mum of three kids. Going out for cocktails with friends or reading a book in the sun, equally bring me joy.’

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