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Bull Vs Bear Meaning


However, in a find your life’s purpose and find the career that fits youish phase, the sentiment is negative, and investors begin to move their money out of equities and into fixed-income securities, waiting for a positive move in the stock market. Investors should spend time making a watch list of stocks to buy when the market improves. In a bear market, however, the chance of losses is greater because prices are continually losing value and the end is often not in sight. Even if you do decide to invest with the hope of an upturn, you are likely to take a loss before any turnaround occurs. Thus, most of the profitability can be found in short selling or safer investments, such as fixed-income securities. The key determinant of whether the market is bull or bear is not just the market’s knee-jerk reaction to a particular event, but how it’s performing over the long term.

bureau of economic
market trend

During times of economic contraction and bear markets, the unemployment rate usually rises. Conversely, it typically decreases as the economy expands during bull markets. For example, the financial markets may still see volatility in prices on their road to recovery from a recent bearish period. This could make it difficult to pinpoint the shift in investor sentiment. In bullish times, stock market prices are in a well-defined uptrend. Although different investors and commentators have different definitions of what exactly a bull market is, the U.S.

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EmploymentThe economy is thriving, industry is booming, and production is flourishing. Growth is favourable, leading to greater employment.The economy is sluggish, and segments of industrial and production units get affected. This leads to lay-offs to curtail costs and leads to higher unemployment levels.


It might be said that the prevailing sentiment of investors who expect a bear market is fear. That fear, specifically, is that a coming downturn will wipe out wealth. The term bull originally referred to speculative purchases rather than general optimism about prices and trend lines.

Those changes don’t necessarily represent a bear market so long as the dips aren’t too significant or too sustained. Normal fluctuations in the market might not be a sign of either a bull or a bear market. Bull markets are also marked by low rates of unemployment and healthy and growing economies. Bear markets take on average about seven months to fall below the 20% marker and 16 months to track from top to bottom. The rise is broad-based, and most stocks gain, even if a company is doing poorly.

Since 1945, the National Bureau of Economic Research identified 13 recessions, and there have been 13 bear markets, says Stovall. Ideally, investors would wish to use market timing to buy low and sell high, but they may end up buying high and selling low. Contrarian investors and traders attempt to “fade” the investors’ actions . A time when most investors are selling stocks is known as distribution, while a time when most investors are buying stocks is known as accumulation. From 1926 to 2014, the average bear market lasted 13 months with an average cumulative loss of 30%, while annualized declines for bear markets ranged from −19.7% to −47%. This can only be viewed in a historical context, as you would need to find the low points and high points in an index’s historical charts.

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These terms describe how stock markets are doing in general—that is, whether they are appreciating or depreciating in value. And as an investor, the direction of the market is a major force that has a huge impact on your portfolio. So, it’s important to understand how each of these market conditions may impact your investments. If you are in your 20s, 30s or even your 40s and are investing for a far-off goal, like retirement, strive to hold onto your stocks and keep investing during any market. If you’re investing in a diversified portfolio, you crafted your investment strategy and holdings with both bull and bear markets in mind. The average length of a bear market is just 289 days, or just under 10 months.

That said, if you’re particularly concerned about stock market returns in retirement, you might opt for withdrawing only 3% of your portfolio. A financial advisor or tax expert can help you figure out the right withdrawal rate for your assets and risk tolerance. That’s why financial advisors recommend you revisit your portfolio many times over your life to adjust your portfolio allocation and to rebalance as needed. That may mean buying or selling different securities to maintain an appropriate mix of stocks, bonds and cash to meet your financial objectives and risk tolerance level.

However, by July of the same year, the stock market looked bullish and continued to recover during 2021. Since entering that bull market, stock prices have not dropped by 20% or more from a recent high. This might point to a lack of bearish sentiment in the market as of early 2022. Bull markets and bear markets tend to have certain characteristics that often, if not always, appear along with each of them. This could include certain trends in economic activity, changing demand for stocks, and shifting investor psychology. Investors will direct their investments based on various factors that define the outlook through which the market is going through.

  • Consequently, many will start liquidating more volatile assets and place their funds into more stable assets, such as precious metals or government bonds.
  • The job market in a bullish situation is very bright, and there are more disposable incomes in the hands of the public in general.
  • But when they do, the bear market results in an average decline of 32.5% from the market’s most recent high.
  • It’s important to know that you can still have declining prices in a specific sector or a few key stocks in a bull market.

Regular bear markets, where prices drop and take a few months to a year to rise, are called cyclical bear markets. Cyclical bear markets tend to be shorter, such as months or a year. Supply and demand are varied when investors try to shift allocation of their investments between asset types. Similarly, a bear market rally (sometimes called “sucker’s rally” or “dead cat bounce”) is a price increase of 5% or more before prices fall again.

Unemployment rate changes

Bear markets, like bull markets, require investors to check their emotions. Things may feel very bad when your portfolio drops month after month, and it takes resilience and discipline to see that as a buying opportunity. But if your research shows that a stock or sector is getting punished despite positive fundamentals, it could be time to add to your stake. Garden variety vs. “mega meltdown.” The biggest meltdown was the 1929 crash, which ushered in the Great Depression. But most bear markets are more “garden variety.” These milder bear markets averaged losses of 26% from peak to trough and took 14 months to recover.

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While bull markets generally don’t cause people too much stress, bear markets often inspire anxiety and uncertainty. How you should handle a bear market, though, is dependent on your investment timeline. Sourced from CoinDesk.One of Bitcoin’s bear markets came swiftly after its peak in late 2017. As a result, supply overwhelmed demand, and prices gradually trended lower. Within this period, Bitcoin migrated from the highs of US$17,527 in January 2018 to the lows of US$3,236 in December 2018.

The security can be bought in the cash market or in the derivative market. The course of action suggests that the investor or the trader is expecting an upward movement of the stock from is prevailing levels. Dividend YieldsDividend yield ratio is the ratio of a company’s current dividend to its current share price. It represents the potential return on investment for a given stock. It is tempting to try and buy early and sell when investments have reached their peak but it’s not always that simple to do. Though it is still important to keep an eye on the broader goings on of the market.

secular bear

Sometimes a market may go through a period of stagnation as it tries to find direction. In this case, a series of upward and downward movements would actually cancel-out gains and losses resulting in a flat market trend. For most investors, these negative indicators are initial signs to be attentive to a shrinking economy. Consequently, many will start liquidating more volatile assets and place their funds into more stable assets, such as precious metals or government bonds. As opposed to wanting to maximise profits, they will switch to capital preservation mode. Similar to a bull market, the term ‘bear market’ is believed to have originated from a bear’s fighting style of swiping its paws downwards in an attack.

Typically, the average length of a bull market is approximately 97 months. Bull markets are most common when the economy is growing, unemployment is low and inflation is somewhat tame. When someone says he is “bullish” on a single stock, he simply means he expects it to rise in price.

The main characteristics of bull and bear markets

A bear market is defined as a market condition in which asset prices have declined 20% or more from their recent highs. Despite this threshold, the average bear market since 1929 has actually recorded declines from 30% to 40%. ” the answer is yes, according to traditional benchmarks and technical analysis.

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